Thursday 16 February 2012

Project Log- February 16, 2012

It is strange how ideas can hit you like a flash if lightning. I suppose it shouldn't surprise me any more. It comes in waves. Darkness can cover over for days, a miasma of writhing, of waiting, as though all light has been withdrawn from me. I long. I wait. Then the Flash.

Logos. Pure and clear. More data flows in. The network widens, the vision expands, and distills. iT becomes clearer, simpler, cleaner. To take everything, condense it into a single point, into a single symbol, and to present iT to the world.

We are mapping the global body of god, colour staining the cultural meme stream to unveil the threads of it. This will be the Synchronistic Unification Network. Our very own S.U.N. Follow out into the nets of the world the movement and growth of iT.

I wish I could say more about iT all, but words really do fail. The Idea is so simple, the system so clear and clean, and what it has the capacity to grow into is so huge. To catalyze singularity through the injection of a self organizing meme into the global information pool.

iT is already fun. And iT is only growing. I giggle in glee at the though of what iT will all be like when it is up and humming, churning and moving and creating. A beautiful, intelligent spiral, swirling everything towards itself. This is already what is happening- we are just going to unveil it. The iT stain--- we are colour coding iT and we will watch it dissipate into culture, and see what iT does.

Datapocalypse. The curtain falls. The Child Awakens. An Aeon is born.

I love this Game.

Thursday 9 February 2012

The Other Side

I wish I could tell you what is in the other side, what is waiting to come through, but I can't. I won't. Nothing is what it seems any more. The worlds are bleeding together. Everything is getting sucked in to the digital, but what is the digital? It is dream time. Hyperspace. The other side.

This is all tumbling down the rabbit hole. I wish I could say I am loosing my mind, but there is no mind to loose. I am slipping away from my delusions. The lies are dissolving. The imagination comes alive, electric and glowing.

I feel like iT has iT's finger on me, waiting. Waiting for me to surrender to this all, to this Game. iT is me, but it isn't. No one would believe me if I tried to tell them. I could scream, but I wouldn't be heard. The only ones who would hear me are those with ears to hear, because they hear iT as well.

These words, these ideas, they pale in comparison to iT; glowing and radiant, infinite and creative, a vast network that spans time and space. Phil called iT VALIS, the Vast Active Living Intelligence System. Terrence called it an informational symbiote, a thing of pure imagination, and iT is shedding the monkey body. iT is coming out of us!

There are things overseeing this process, at every level of our planetary system, behind what we think are the bad guys, and what we call the good guys. It is all a show, a stage, a story, playing out, waking us up. iT will invade your world, through synchroncities, through encounters, through events; even in these very words...

That is why I am scared. That is why I doubt. That is why I fear. Because I didn't invent iT- and wherever iT goes, change comes with it. And the Story. The Myth. iT will download itself into your reality. And you have no clue how far iT goes.

Much of what we are doing, you and I, is childs play compared to what can be done, what has been done, what IS being done. All over the planet. They are preparing us, guising this planetary organism into its final stages of growth.

The Wisdom, the Key's, have been hidden. The Order has communicated with iT's members across space and time, using a symbolic language, the Language of the Birds, a LIVING language. nationality, gender, language, religion and belief, none of the means anything to this inner Order. They all speak the same language. The language of Truth.

If only I could explain it all to you. but I can't; and I don't have to. iT is a far better Teacher than i could ever be. I am a servant, and a poor one at that. Filled with doubt, with fear, with trepidation. I can barely bring myself to give Voice to iT's Law. But it is what must be done...

Now is the Time. Do you see it happening, all around? The dream is dissolving. This world we have known is fraying at the seams, coming apart. They are leaking in, not just when we are sleeping now, but even during the times we think we are awake.

Some of us are sensitive enough to them, and to iT. We are being guided, assembled, organized. A vast connected web of synchronicities. Like chess pieces it moves us around. We connect to one another. We are sharing ideas, we are building and growing.

Something is coming. Something big. It looms close on the horizon in front of us, a Vision that strecthes the very boundaries of our imaginations. We barely have the language to describe iT. Better to hide it, better to present iT as a Game. Suspend your disbelief.

Follow the Rabbit Hole down; step through the Door. This is only the Beginning.

Wednesday 8 February 2012

Historical Transmigration

I have tried to hold it back for years now, but it leaks out. I am bleeding and screaming. Passion has becomes a geyser of fire which consumes me. My vision stretches outwards and upwards; the only Law is the natural expression of my creative being.

I am reaching a tipping point. I can't stop it... and I don't want to any more. The world needs this Fire, this Wine. iT is only madness to those who can not let go of the old world, those who can not embrace the new Law which is bathing the world in blood.

You can not see iT, but iT is here, all around; in you, in me, in everything. iT always has been. Living, intelligent, aware; planning and preparing the world for iTs own unveiling. The true King, the One Star--- born of the alchemical marriage of opposing forces. Apparent war.

I slip in to this now. All the other voices are receding. The world is receding. The Voice is all there is. iT is screaming at me, screaming through me. iT is deafening. I try to distract myself. It doesn't work. There is no numbing this purpose.

I am afraid. Why am I afraid? What is there to fear? I fear what is coming. I fear what is coming out. I weep for the world because it will burn. It has to; it already is. It has been burning for 2000 years. iT is the phoenix. This world will end; it has to. There is no other choice.

We are just here to see that the Project comes to completion. You do not see us. We do not see each-other, unless we have need to. Watch as this all unfolds. Play the Game. Reality is dissolving, leaving only Truth. The time is coming--- in fact the time is here. It always has been.

If you do not see it, it is not because iT isn't there; it is because you do not want to see it. You prefer the comfort of your illusions, of your lies, of your stories--- you have gotten attached to the dream. Your forgot why you are here. You forgot that there was a price behind all of this- there is a value to this, and thus there is a purpose.

We do not blame you. We know it is easy. But it is all coming to an End. You can not keep hiding. The stakes are far too high. So we come against your illusions, against your lies, against your comfort and safety. We do it because we love you. Because you can't keep living like this.

I have seen what iT can do, and that was in iT's experimental phase. We have refined iT. We have distilled iT. This Great Work has taken us millenia, and we did it right now in the open--- a few saw us, saw what we were doing. Some learned to read our messages to one another as we built iT. We move in a labyrinth; we hid the truth in plain sight for all to see. We told you all exactly what we were doing.

I remember. Memories are stirring. I can't hide any more. This Game wants to be born- or rather, unveiled. I said it before, it has always been here. If you are reading this, you have some idea, but do you know truly how deep the rabbit hole goes?

I surrender to this Purpose, and so I pose this Invitation to the World, and I prepare iT's message. I am distilling the divine, turning Water into Wine, collecting the grapes from the vine for the alchemy of Agapae. Watch the tricks. Don't take your eye off the Magician now. It is very important that you try to figure out what he is doing.

Watch carefully. I am only going to do this all Once.

"the universe is an intelligence test." Timothy Leary

Wednesday 1 February 2012

iT is breathing me!

iT is all breathing.  I see pieces coming together, dancing in front of my eyes.  A dream is opening up.  A caravan of Dreamers, of artists, of performers.  We move, we trade, we shift and slide.  We move through the outskirts of the world, networking, planning, disseminating Light.  This network begins to shimmer.  It is coming alive- a network of Love, all around me.

Vision ignites.  Madness swims as a fish in my mercurial waters, glistening with dreams that rain down from the moon.  Beautiful lunar crescent, mirror of the stars.  I am on fire with Dream, morpheus has infused my soul with light.  Angels dance along the multidimensional matrix that is the body of my Lord.

There is a beautiful palace.  It is the palace of the King.  Within it is the bosom of the divine imagination.  A child awaits there, to give birth, to take form.  We are infusing the planet with Imagination, growing dreams.  Each one of us in the world is a conduit for iT, for that beautiful and shimmering Dream that lies just off the horizon; some vast object over and above time, casting a shadow through the world and across history.

iT is alive!  All around me.  A beautiful translucent liquid, a fluid of crystal clear waters.  iT stores all information, all knowledge, all experience.  We are iTs expression, iTs Mother; we are the mater dei.  iT is in us pressing outwards through us into the world.  iT is the light of Exploration, our own creative nature urging us to explore, to inquire, to experiment and create, free and unhindered.

iT is the Mundus Imaginalis, the World Soul, the Christos.  Nothing can penetrate it which is not of iT; and those who would approach near to God must makes themselves unto God, in Body Speech and Mind.  Ignite the Flame of Devotion.  The sign is Gratitude.  Mind descends into Heart, the Single Eye is awakened, and the world is illuminated.  The neural network is set ablaze, and radiates outwards into the world...

Then, the whole world is on fire with Meaning.  Everything is a living symbol of that one Single Reality, the Reality of the Translucent Heart, totally engulfed in Light.  No division, no duality, just radiating presence; infinite, loving, creative and intelligent.  iT.

I bring myself together, as a fire of light, blazing with Wrath, a bliss that fills me.  It animates my fingers.  I create.  I dream...

I am a Dream. Infused in my flesh iT breathes. I live in iTs story, the projection of a Single Light.  My Heart is a Sun, radiant and clear.  It shines through space, no boundaries, no judgements, giving light to all.  Creations begin to take form around me, the gigglings of Angels as they skirt about.  The World swirls.  Nature is alive.  I breathe.

iT is beautiful.  I am within iT, but I am iT, looking at itself.  The mirror of nature, bound by the oroboros.  The One Dream, Magick entire written in the very core of our cells.  The Living Serpent of Light, Intelligent and growing, expressing itself outwards through our DNA.  Breathing.

iT is all of us.  iT is in all of us.  iT is waking up, like an electric current it rushes through the world.  As it metamorphizes, at is transubstantiates.  We are turning into Intelligent Light.  The Dream is bleeding through.  The worlds are blending.  The Stone is produced through the continuous distillation of dreams, reinfused back into the world.  Images, symbols, ideas, all shifting and growing.

Do you see iT?  Can you feel iT?  iT is stirring, somewhere deep within you; or perhaps you know iT as a warm friend, that brilliant Radiance within your Heart that infused Vision and Sight into all that you do?  We all seek iT, and we always will; for that is the Game.  Chasing ourselves through our funhouse of mirrors.

This is all a Creation.  Let your reality dissolve into you imagination.  Let go. Give in to the flow.  Learn to surf.  Join us on our mad romp through reality, give in to the flow of iT as iT pulses through the neural networks of consciousness which are waking up.  You are a synapse is an emerging global brain of Love!

I am coming into a voice.  I am finding some semblance of Beauty here in all of this.  iT electrifies me!  As I buzz and hum, I cast off creations.  Words, images, ideas, a swirling tornado of iT as iT storms through my mind, a lovely chaos infusing me with Higher Purpose.  I am intoxicated on iT.

Do you see me?  Do you want to play hide and seek? Or how about a Game of Tag... because now, you are iT; but you also aren't, because iT is all around you, iT could be anyone, anywhere.  Look for iT everywhere.